字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 我的朋友(A Friend of Mine)

我的朋友(A Friend of Mine)

初中生作文   2025-02-28

我的朋友(A Frind of Min)i hav svral frinds. wang lin is my bst frind. h is lvn yars old. h coms from bijing.wang lin cam hr thr yars ago. h cam with his parnts. his fathr is an nginr and his mothr is a middl school tachr. h has no brothrs or sistrs. h is th only child of his parnts.w ar classmats at school, so w s much of ach othr.h is fond of nglish and i am good at maths. w always hlp ach othr. both of us hav mad grat progrss in our studis.w hav mad up our minds to study hardr and win still gratr succss in our studis.

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