我想当校长(I want to be a headmaster)
我想当校长(I want to b a hadmastr)i want to b a hadmastr whn i grow up. i think that’s a good job. my school is in th forst. it’s vry bautiful. i go to work by bnz at ight o’clock in th morning.th tachrs in my school ar kind and patint. th fmal tachrs in my school ar good looking and young. th mal tachrs ar handsom and strong.thy ar all hardworking so thy gt good salary. th childrn in my school hav thr classs in th morning. in th aftrnoon, thy play and pick up mushrooms or strawbrris in th forst. thy hav no homwork. thy ar vry happy! at four o’clock in th aftrnoon, i go hom with kinds of mushrooms and fruits in my bnz. thy ar for my dinnr.
我想当校长(I want to be a headmaster) 相关文章
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