字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 The winter holiday,The winter holiday范文

The winter holiday,The winter holiday范文

初中生作文   2025-03-24

Th wintr holiday,Th wintr holiday范文Th wintr holiday Wintr holiday is coming,and I hav a plan about it.I gt up at 8:00,thn do th morning xrcis in th park which is nar my hom,thn do my homwork, somtims I watch TV,somtims I play computr gams,I think it is vry good.

During th holiday w will hav th Spring Fstival,it is on of th most important fstival in China,w ar vry happy bcaus w can hav rd packts,at many dlicious food,war nw cloths.So,I think this Wintr holiday will b vry happpy.I lik it.

Th wintr holiday

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