字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 Dreams can fly,Dreams can fly范文

Dreams can fly,Dreams can fly范文

高中生作文   2025-03-09

Drams can fly It has bn ovr 100 yars sinc th vry first plan, invntd by th Wright Brothrs, flw into th sky. Th first plan, which was mad of wood, had only bn abl to fly for 12 sconds in th air, but it opnd th door of th aviation world. I wondr how th Wright brothrs would imagin such a magnificnt ida. Thy must hav som kind of dram----human bings lik birds, flying frly in spac----thy attmptd various kinds of matrial to mak plans, finally making thir dram com tru, although only a short 12 sconds for th first flight! W studnts oftn hav diffrnt drams: to b scintists, nginrs, doctors, tc. Lik th Wright brothrs whn thy wr young, w should try our bst to xprinc diffrnt things, for xampl, going out of doors to watch diffrnt animals, watching buttrflis in th air, or watching fish in th watr. With mor knowldg in ths filds, w can bcom biologists in th futur. Gnrally spaking, w’d bttr mak gratr fforts in our studis. In this way, w can mak our drams com tru, not only lik th Wright brothrs in th sky, but also lik Yang Liwi in outr spac. Drams can fly

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