字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 Planting Trees-植树,Planting Trees-植树范文

Planting Trees-植树,Planting Trees-植树范文

初中生作文   2025-02-21

Planting Trs-植树,Planting Trs-植树范文Planting Trs-植树 春天来了,又是一个植树的季节。星期天,老师带领我们去郊区植树。同学们拿着铁锨、水桶和小树苗上路了。到了目的地后,大家不由分说,争先恐后地干起来。我们先挖坑,然后两个人合作,一个扶着小树苗,一个培土。小树啊,你快快长大吧。Spring is coming. It is th sason for planting trs. On Sunday, our tachr ld us to th suburb to plant trs. W brought som spads, pails and saplings with us. On arriving thr, vrybody wnt into action in no tim. W dug squar pits first. Thn two prsons wr ndd to plant a tr. On hld th sapling carfully and th othr put th soil in. I wish th saplings would grow up quickly. Planting Trs-植树

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