字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 复述故事:我在意大利的一次经历-A Traveler in Italy-My E.

复述故事:我在意大利的一次经历-A Traveler in Italy-My E.

高中生作文   2025-03-09




A Travlr in Italy

An nglish man was onc travling in Italy. On day h wnt into a small rstaurant to ordr dinnr. H undrstood vry littl Italian and was unabl to rad th mnu (菜单) . H knw th word gg, and so h ordrd ggs. Italy is famous, howvr, for its mushrooms (蘑菇) ,and th man wantd to try som mushrooms. Th waitr did not spak a word of nglish and thrfor could not hlp him. At last, th man took out of his pockt a pncil and a pic of papr. Th waitr lookd at th pictur of th mushroom for a long whil. H did not undrstand vry wll, but at last h lft. H was gon a long tim. Aftr about half an hour h rturnd. But instad of mushrooms, h brought th man a larg black umbrlla.









I had a funny xprinc in Italy whn I was travling thr…


My xprinc in Italy

I had a funny xprinc in Italy whn I was travling thr.

On day I wnt into a small rstaurant to hav dinnr. I knw vry littl Italian, so I could not rad th mnu. I wantd to ordr som mushrooms, as Italy is famous for this food. Howvr, I did not know th word for mushrooms. I calld th waitr to hlp, but h did not know nglish at all. I took out a pncil and a pic of papr, and drw a pictur of a mushroom. Th waitr smd to undrstand and lft immdiatly. About half an hour latr h rturnd with a larg black umbrlla. I was gratly disappointd. Howvr, I paid for th umbrlla and got it back to my hotl. (113 words)


复述故事一般都有词数限制。有时,可能会让你把几页甚至几十页的一篇故事用一、二百词复述出来。这样,作者就要对原文内容作出取舍,保留主要情节,删去枝节问题。例如本篇就只保留了与“mushroom”有关的情节,而把无关的“ordrd ggs”的情节删掉了。

标签: 遐想

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