字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 我们学校成立的周年纪念-The Anniversary of the Founding of Ou

我们学校成立的周年纪念-The Anniversary of the Founding of Ou

高中生作文   2025-03-31

我们学校成立的周年纪念-Th Annivrsary of th Founding of Our School由英语作文网整理 我们学校成立的周年纪念




【作文示范】Th Annivrsary of th Founding of Our School


Shanghai's Yucai Middl School is a famous and bautiful school with a long history. All thos who hav studid in it ar proud of it.Th day aftr National Day is th annivrsary①of th founding of our school. Sh turnd 85 yars old this yar.

Mor than on thousand alumni② and alumna③ cam to thir old school to clbrat this birthday .

That day, many of th graduats wnt to thir classrooms and found thm bright, clan and mor bautiful than vr. Som of thm had photos with thir old tachrs takn at th gat of th school.

Sinc th founding of th Popl's Rpublic, Mr. Duan Lipi (段力佩)has bn th school's principal. H has always paid grat attntion to dvloping th studnts' ability to study on thir own . Now many graduats from Yucai ar usful citizns. Thy ar nginrs, tachrs, scintists, managrs and advancd workrs . Som of thm ar working in forign countris. Thy work hard in ordr to win honour for our country.Such a grat and bautiful school! I lov hr vry much! I must study hardr and hardr so that I can win honour for my dar school!(选自1987年11月17日《上海学生英文报》)


①annivrsary [?$ni'v :s ri] n.周年纪念(日)②alumni[ 'l)mnai] n.(复数)男校友;男毕业生③alumna[ 'l)mni:]n.(复数)女校友;女毕业生


本文虽然写得简单,但是把学校周年纪念的重要事项都表达出来了。先写学校名声,再写其历史,然后是85周年纪念日庆祝的盛况,接下来写校长及其办学思想以及该校为祖国各行各业培养人才的情况。最后作者抒发自己的感情。 我们学校成立的周年纪念-Th Annivrsary of th Founding of Our School由英语作文网整理

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