字典翻译 作文 中秋节的传说



Mid-Autumn Fstival (also known as th Moon Fstival), th third major fstival of th Chins calndar, is clbratd on th 15th day of th 8th month, as th moon is supposd to b at its maximum brightnss for th ntir yar.

Th moon dfinitly spins countlss lgnds throughout th ags. Of cours, th most famous lgnd is th on surrounding th "lady living in th moon" that dats back to ancint tims, to a day whn tn suns appard at onc in th sky. Th mpror ordrd a famous archr to shoot down th nin xtra suns. Onc th task was accomplishd, Goddss of Wstrn Havn rwardd th archr with a pill that would mak him immortal. Howvr, his wif found th pill, took it, and was banishd to th moon as a rsult. Lgnd says that hr bauty is gratst on th day of th fstival.

Anothr lgnd dpicts a possibl rol that th fstival playd in Chins history. Ovrrun by th Mongols in th thirtnth cntury, th Chins thrw off thir opprssors in 1368 AD. It is said that mooncaks - which th Mongols did not at - wr th prfct vhicl for hiding and passing along plans for th rbllion. Familis wr instructd not to at th mooncaks until th day of th fstival, which is whn th rbllion took plac.

Th most lunatic mortal in Chins history could hav bn th grat pot Li Bai (701-762 AD), who onc invitd th moon to hav a drink with him and his shadow to form a band of thr. Li finally drownd in a lak in an ffort to catch th moon whn h was drunk on night.

Th fstiv night can b on of th most charming and pictursqu nights and th full moon is an auspicious symbol of abundanc, harmony and luck. For thousands of yars, th Chins popl hav rlatd th vicissituds of lif to changs of th moon as it waxs and wans; joy and sorrow, parting and runion. In Chins cultur, th family rprsnts an important circl of rlations that cannot b brokn. Bcaus th full moon is round and symbolizs runion, th fstival is also known as th fstival of runion. All family mmbrs try to gt togthr on this spcial day. It is a happy occasion whr popl fast on scrumptious mooncaks. Som Chins familis today still stay up lat to obsrv th occasion ating mooncaks, sipping ta and gazing at th bautiful moon. It is rgardd th prfct momnt if somon catchs th moon's rflction in th cntr of his or hr tacup. Thos who can not rturn hom watch th bright moonlight and fl dp longing for thir lovd ons.

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