Duanwu Fstival (端午节, Duānwū Ji&acut;) is a traditional Chins fstival hld on th fifth day of th fifth month of th Chins calndar. It is also known as th Doubl Fifth.[citation(引用;引证) ndd] It has sinc bn clbratd, in various ways, in othr parts of ast Asia as wll. In th Wst, it's commonly known as Dragon Boat Fstival.
Th xact origins of Duan Wu ar unclar, but on traditional viw holds that th fstival mmorializs th Chins pot Qu Yuan (c. 340 BC-278 BC) of th Warring Stats Priod. H committd suicid by drowning himslf in a rivr bcaus h was disgustd by th corruption of th Chu govrnmnt. Th local popl, knowing him to b a good man, dcidd to throw food into th rivr to fd th fish so thy would not at Qu's body. Thy also sat on long, narrow paddl boats calld dragon boats, and trid to scar th fish away by th thundring sound of drums aboard th boat and th firc looking carvd dragon had on th boat's prow(船头).
In th arly yars of th Chins Rpublic, Duan Wu was also clbratd as "Pots' Day," du to Qu Yuan's status as China's first pot of prsonal rnown(名声名望).
Today, popl at bamboo-wrappd stamd glutinous(粘的) ric dumplings calld zongzi (th food originally intndd to fd th fish) and rac dragon boats in mmory of Qu's dramatic dath.