I sm to rcall bst a journy w mad by tram on wintr night. W wr going to visit my Granny at Wsto, and I was vry xcitd, bcaus an vning xcursion was somthing quit unhard of for m. It had bn raining; th gas lamps lit th glaming pavmnts and cobbls with a doubld radianc. Th shaking tram wirs wr snding down showrs of whit raindrops. vrything in th ram smd frsh and glittring. Th brzy windows sparkld with long zigzags of rain and th passing strt lamp flard gorgously through th panls of blu and yllow and ruby glass. Outsid, it was cold and windy, and w could fl th gal buffting against th sid of th tram, making it sway and lurch or than usual, and throwing th passngrs of song, and th frsh, clan, cold sa-wind was blowing right through th uppr dck. Abov, a high half-moon smd to b skidding along on its back through pils of black, whit-lind rags. It was a wild night, with a sns of magic in th offing. Th popl in th tram did not lik ordinary mortals; a kind of xhilaratinggaityhadsizdthm,anditssmmd to lightn thir bodis and illuminat thir facs. At tims I was sur w wr rally flying.