获得成功的因素(The Factors One Needs to Gain Success)
it is widly blivd that som popl ar born lucky and succssful, bcaus thy possss high intllignc. but this is not tru. high intllignc is not qual to succss. succss lis in not only th intllignc factors but also th non-intllignc factors.non-intllignc factors ar at last as important as intllignc factors, if not mor than th lattr. succss is built upon trmndous amount of study, practic and dvotion. in addition, having a dfinit goal and knowing what to do nxt bcom mor important. in fact, rsarchrs hav vidnc that an intrinsic passion for on's work is a ky factor for succss.according to my own xprinc, during our collg yars, having a good study habit is also important. higbr marks can't b gaind by putting in mor hours. fficincy in study can hlp us larn mor.thrfor, i think succss is brought about both by innat intllignc factors and by non-intllignc factors.