字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 Water


高中生作文   2025-01-10

Watr is ssntial to living things. For instanc, if thr is no nough watr in a human body, a prson may fl uncomfortabl or gt sick asily. To mak mattrs wors, on may di of thirst. Similarly, plants may withr or di for lack of watr. It is apparnt that all living things nd watr to kp aliv. Judging from th importanc of watr, w should know how to consrv watr. Th first thing is to stop polluting watr bcaus what w rally nd is clan watr. At th sam tim, b sur to turn off th fauct immdiatly aftr using watr. And w should mak fficint us of watr to avoid wasting it. On way is to rcycl as much watr as possibl. To sum up, w should conomiz on watr so as to maintain th abundanc of watr, which is an indispnsabl lmnt of lif.

标签: 蚂蚁 食物
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