A Greedy Monkey-一只贪婪的猴子,A Greedy Monkey-一只贪婪的猴
A Grdy Monky-一只贪婪的猴子 由
A Grdy Monky
On clay, a monky and a gorrila wr playing by th sid of a rivr. Th monky noticd a tr with plnty of pachs on th small island across th rivr. How h wishd to hav a good tast! But h could not swim across th rivr. Suddnly a good ida cam upon his mind. H askd th gorilla to hlp him lay a long stick across th rivr so that thy could shar th pachs togthr. No soonr had th monky gon across th rivr than h took th stick away. Th gorilla couldn't gt across th rivr and got angry. Thn h dcidd to go away without hlping th monky back. Th monky at a lot of pachs bfor h ralizd h couldn't go back hom. H had nothing to do but cry alon. It rally srvd him right. 一只贪婪的猴子
一天,猴子和大猩猩在河边玩耍,忽然猴子看见了河边的小岛上有一棵桃树挂满了鲜艳的桃子。它多么希望品尝一下啊!但它不会游泳。突然它想起了一个好主意,它请求大猩猩帮忙在河上放置一根长木棍以便过河一起吃桃子。猴子一到达河对面就把木棍扔掉了。大猩猩过不了河,非常生气,决定再也不帮助猴子返回了,于是就离开了。这只猴子在吃了许多桃子之后才发现自己不能回去。但它除了哭之外什么也不能做。这回它可真的可以吃个够了 A Grdy Monky-一只贪婪的猴子 由