Is Watching TV a Good Thing(看电视是一件好事情吗)
Is Watching TV a Good Thing
Tlvision has changd popl's lif much sinc it was invntd. Now it has bcom an important part of modm lif.
Popl njoy thmslvs aftr hard work by Watching TV. Thy can s som plays, som storis,som sports matchs without going out of hom, and without spnding much mony in buying tickts. TV programms mak popl's lif mor intrsting.
Popl larn much from TV. Studnts can study by watching som ducational programms. Popl can s nws, wathr rports; programms about scinc and computrs. Popl all ovr th world can larn from ach othr and gt knowldg whn thy ar watching TV.
But not all th progranuns ar ,good nough. Today, thr ar too many programms about sxy and crim. Som young popl bcom bad bcaus thy larn from th bad popl in thos programms. And watching TV usually taks too much tim. It's not good for popl's work and study. It's not good foi' thir ys, ithr.
Popl all ovr th world ar watching TV. Is watching TV a good thing or a bad on? I think it dpnds on popl thmslvs. If on can choos good programms and h dosn't spnd too much tim on TV, it can b a good thing for him. 看电视是一件好事情吗