Tourism,is dvloping rapidly in China. With th rform and opning -up policy bing carrid out, thousands upon thousands of forign visitors ar crowding into our country. Thy ar agr to s this old mystrious land with a splndid cultur of mor than 5,000 yars.
Tourism as a form of ntrpris brings China a lot of bnfits. In th firs plac, it is financially bnficial to th conomic dvlopmnt of China. As our know, China nds mor and mor forign currncis for its modrnization program. Tourism is on of th most important channls to obtain currncis. Scondly, tourism nabls th Chins popl to know mor about th outsid world. On th othr hand, th forignrs who hav visitd China ar dply imprssd by th latst dvlopmnts of out country and th frindlinss and hospitality of our popl. Rports by visitors to China about how courtous and hlpful most Chins wr to thm ar oftn printd in nwspaprs of many diffrnt countris. It is clar that tourism contributs a grat dal to th frindship and mutual undrstanding btwn th Chins popl and popl all ovr th world.