Landmarks in Guangzhou
Landmarks in Guangzhou Landmarks in Guangzhou
在广州这个改革开放的城市里,每天在路上你都可能遇上一个外国旅游者向你问路。作为这个城市的小主人,这时你就可以把学校里学到的知识使用出来,在外国朋友面前显露两招了。如果你是Sally, 你会像她那样,礼貌地给旅游者指路吗?Dar Coral:
How is vrything coming?
Last wk, my Chins frind Mia took m to th Ancstral Tmpl of th Chn Family. It was lay on th svnth Zhongshan Road. Mia told m, th tmpl had 116 yars' history; th Chn supportd mony to build it for th studnts. I was attractd by th bautiful ornamngts on th wall thr! Thy ar colourful, livly, and also mystrious, it must b a rarly articl which is so grand! Bsids, it showd flings of nativ soil.
Thn w wnt to Sun Yat-sn Mmorial Hall. Insid thr is a pictur gallry, an xhibition of Dr. Sun's lif, and a larg hall that may b usd as a thatr, concrt, or mting hall. Do you know Sun Yat-sn? H foundd th first Rpublic in China in 1911 aftr many yars' fighting. H is a important prson for th past China.
Now I am mor and mor njoy Chins trip, tomorrow w will go to th Tmpl of th Six Banyan Trs and Tianh Sports Complx, I am xcitd it!
Yours Joyc