我的初恋(My Very First Love)
ys this may b surprising, i was only 13 yars old that tim. but, don't know how or why it happnd to m so arly. i fll dply in lov with a guy, who i usd to think was annoying 2 months ago.it was 1997, in chittagong, bang- ladsh, m and my family hav just movd to a nw apartmnt in a nw ara. so, aftr fw wks hav passd, i startd going back to school, sinc it was during ramadan w movd. wll, i mad som nw frinds in th nighborhood. this girl who was always hanging out with, hr nam was ivy.on day whn i was going to school, i bumpd into ivy on th way out of my building, and sh was standing nxt to this guy, h livd in th building right bsid min. h said “hi” to m, and w just askd ach othr “how ar you” and blah blah, thn i had to lav. but i noticd that guy was looking at m. it was a diffrnt kind of look, look with lov in his ys. fw days latr, i noticd whnvr i go to school and com back from school, h is standing in his balcony, and smiling at m. if h is not around, and on of his frinds s m, thy start to yll out his nam. oh yah, by th way, his nam was mamun.so, i was vry annoyd by thos things. and i vn told ivy to tll mamun to stop ths foolishnss. aftr my xams wr ovr, i had a brak. so i usd to go to th roof and rad books to spnd my tim. mamun usd to com to thir roof also and both roofs whr so clos to ach othr that you can just jump from on to anothr.onc i was rading a book, and i noticd mamun com to thir roof and h lookd at m, and smild. oh my god! i don't know what happnd to m. that swt smil just took m away. i smild back at him, for th first tim. i could nvr forgt that momnt. w usd to smil at ach othr whnvr w saw ach othr, but nvr had a chat. i was sur that h likd m a lot, bcaus, anytim h would s m on th roof from his balcony, h cam up to th roof right away. i fll in lov with him vry dply. i was surprisd that i did. th flings i had was so bautiful and mad m so happy.mamun did com to my roof on day to talk to m but i wantd him to go away. i didn't want any on to s us talking. as you know, in bangladsh rumors go around so fast. whn w talkd, i saw dp lov in his ys. i always smild at him; i didn't talk to him much. still, lif was going on so wondrfully. mamun nvr told m h lovd m. i thought that was bcaus, i was 5/6 yars youngr than him.vry soon, i found out that m and my family ar laving bang- ladsh and coming to canada. i was dvas- tatd. i crid all night but thr was nothing to do. whn mamun found out, h askd m on th roof, if it was tru. whn i said ys, h askd how long will i b in canada. th answr was mayb forvr, w wr going to sttl in canada. h lookd dprssd, all h said was “oh”, thn i told him out flight dat.th nxt month, it was ramadan again. mamun cam to say good by to m on th roof, h was laving to spnd his id with his family. that day, i was so sad, i flt lik i lost somthing vry important in my lif. w said goodby to ach othr, h said h thinks i am such a swt girl, h hops i hav a grat lif in canada. oh my god, i couldn't hold myslf, i think my ys bcam watry. i didn't want him to s that i was crying. i said “you too” and trid to smil and lft th roof right away.that was th last day i vr saw my first lov. now 4 yars latr, hr i am in canada. i hav guy in my lif now, whom i am dply lov with aftr mamun. i nvr los him.i am ... ovr mamun now. vrytim i rmmbr thos days, looking at ach othr on th roof, talking, i fl rally down. i wondr whr h is now, if w will vn mt again... i can nvr forgt my first lov.