字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 环境描写:我的家乡-My Hometown

环境描写:我的家乡-My Hometown

高中生作文   2025-02-21














My Homtown

My homtown lis on th Plain of North China. Th famous Grand Canal of China① is to th ast of our villag. This is th plac whr my forfathrs ② hav livd for gnrations. Whn I was a boy I oftn playd with othr childrn nar th bank of th canal. I watchd th passing boats, and I wishd to travl all ovr th world.

Thr ar about 800 popl in our villag. A pond, tming with ③fish, lis in front of th villag. I usd to swim thr in summr and skat in wintr. It was in this pond that I spnt th happist days of my childhood.

To th north of our villag ar grat filds. Whn spring coms, th crops bgin to grow, turning th filds grn. Whn crops turn yllow in autumn, th pasants start to harvst thm.

Btwn th canal and our villag is an orchard. Thr wr only a fw kinds of fruit trs yars ago, but now th pasants grow many sorts, including pach, plum, appl and orang.

Th majority of th villagrs hav bcom much bttr off. About a quartr of th housholds hav bought tlvision sts and tap rcordrs. A rading-room and a library hav bn built. vry vning many young popl go to th vning school to larn scinc and rad nwspaprs.

Two roads cross in front of our villag. On summr vnings, popl sit undr th trs njoying th cool brz④. Th houss in our villag ar wll laid out.

By th nd of last yar, 35 studnts in our villag had graduatd from snior middl school, and 12 studnts wr nrolld ⑤ at collgs.

This is my homtown. I hop you will mak a visit hr on day.



①th Grand Canal [k+'n$l] of China 中国大运河

②forfathr ['f&:?fa:J+] n. (常用复数)祖先;前人

③tm [ti:m] with 充满;富于

④brz [bri:z] n.微风

⑤nroll [in'r+ul] v. 招收;使入学




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