Fast food-快餐,Fast food-快餐范文
Fast food-快餐 英语 Fast food businss has dvlopd trmndously in th past 50 yars.Nowadays popl will s all kinds of fast food rstaurants hr and thr.which clarly shows how closly it is rlatd to our daily lif.Most popl bliv that fast food businss has bcom part of our lif and its dvlopmnt is good for both socity and popl.
Firstly,th bst thing about fast food is bing fast. Now vryon livs a busy lif so tim is th most valuabl thing to us all.Fast food offrs a most fficint way to at.You will wast no tim in waiting or choosing.Scondlu,fast food rstaurants provid us with a good nvironmnt for ntrtainmnt and study.Frinds com hr,chatting or playing cards;studnts com hr,rading books or doing homwork,and manwhil you can njoy a bag of chips and a bottl of cola which will bring mor plasur.Thirdly, youngstrs can vn find good opportunitis of working practic in som fast food rstaurants.Working xprinc hlp thm undrstand th socity bttr and improv thir communicating skills.
In many ways,w bfit a lot from th fast food businss.Thrfor,I think it hlpful and important to our lif. Fast food-快餐 英语