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Thae movie that came to an end

写人   2025-03-14

As a Harry Potter's fan, it is quite sad to see the movie coming to an end. Think of it, it seemed just yesterday that the first movie of Harry Potter's film was out. But now, the actors have all grown up and it was time to say goodbye to the magical world.The first movie started in 2001, just two years after the book was published. Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Wotson and all the other stars were only nine or ten years old. They were still fighting for sweets and not doing there job properly. However, after ten years, they became much more independent and took their work seriously. The last movie, the Deathly Hallows has already finished. They filmed the last part when they were all nineteen years older. And when they talked to the reporters about how they felt about the last part. They said, "It was quite strange because we're now looking back at the age when we started and just went through so many generations of people was extrodinary, so you really can't express yourself." It'squite true, few years ago they were just kids and now they' re grown-ups.Anyway, Harry Potter brought us lots of fun these years. I hope our Chinese writers could write such marvelous story and film it.

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