克隆的好处与坏处 英语作文网收集整理 To clon or not to clon, is that th qustion?
Advancd tchnology has alrady pushd human bing to dgs,such as th production of wapons of mass dstruction,th dstruction of Ozon by Fron ,and th application of clon.Th hatd dabt ovr whthr cloning tchniqu should b usd in human rproduc--
tion must b considrd as a srious issu.
Clon, to a crtain dgr, is bnficial to mankind.Such disas as Parkinsons will possiblly b curd in th futur in th hop of furthr applying of clon.Howvr,th abus of this tchnology will bring human bing unthinkabl dstruction.
Sinc th dclaration of th dath of Dolly,w ar mor conscious of th infficint procdur of clon.Acorrding to "Dolly's fals lgacy",th incidnc of dath among ftuss and offspring producd by cloning is much highr than it is through natural rproduction--roughly 10 tims as high as normal bfor birth and 3 tims as high aftr birth.And vn you may argu that this tchnology will b prfctd in th futur, i don't s thr is any point in whol--bing cloning.
Many popl considr this tchnology a promising on as to bring all human bing to a nw ra in which all human rproduction will b accomplishd by cloning.Thus scintists in som countris hav alrady startd thir grat plan to clon human.But lt's think, what is th practical valu in doing so?You may tll m that it can bring hop for thos coupls unabl to hav childrn bcaus thy might choos to hav a copy of on of thm rathr than accpt th gn intrusion from a donr.But imagin,if you hav a child owning th sam appranc as yours or your husband's, will you accpt it without any uncomfort?
Don't you think it is mbarrassing?Or if this kind of human rproduction is allowd,trrorists may gt hold of it and rproduc lots of "Amrican Prsidnts".Don't you agr that ths prsidnts might bring th world much mor chaos?Bsids ths trribl aspcts,th cloning of whol--bing may dstroy th divrsity of popl of th glob.
Of cours, thr still rmains much mor disadvantags of th application of cloning rproduction of human bing and animals. W should b xtrmly cautious of what w do and thus rmmbr w will sur b rspondibl for all th rsults cratd by ourslvs!!!
So how do u think about it? 克隆的好处与坏处 英语作文网收集整理