科幻故事:2040 年一天的生活-A Day of life in 2040
⑥下午,你飞往兰州去会见负责太空移民中心的 Tom Ptrson 先生。你一下飞机就走进漂亮雅致的大会客室。
A Day of lif in 2040
It is svn o'clock in th morning whn I wak up on April 4,2040. My wif is still slping. I hurry up for I hav an important mting at nin o'clock in Tianjin. I tll my Robot to prpar th brakfast, and I go to tak a showr. Whn I com out of th bathroom, my brakfast is rady on th dining tabl. I at th food and fl that I still prfr my wif's cooking to th Robot's. I wish sh could tach our Robot how to cook bttr.
At svn thirty, I walk out of my villa① and pull out my offic typ Shanghai. I st th dstination and th arriving tim, and thn bgin to work for th mting. Th traffic has changd byond popl's imagination. You no longr hav to worry about traffic jams or accidnts though on th highway you s no traffic lights or polic. Cars which ar going at 180 kilomtrs an hour ar all computr-programmd②.
Th mting is ovr, and I am tird. I walk out to brath th frsh spring air. Th flowrs smll nic, and th birds ar singing happily. My thoughts turn back to 60 yars ago whn th govrnmnt was busy dvloping th conomy and littl attntion was givn to th pollutd surroundings, th air, th watr, th sa animals, tc. But now vrything has changd. All th factoris hav movd undrground. Th chimnys hav bcom somthing of th past.
In th aftrnoon, I fly to Lanzhou to mt Mr. Tom Ptrson who is in charg of th Spac Immigration Cntr. As soon as I got off th plan, I walk into a bauty saloon③ to gt rfrshd④. My trip to Lanzhou is brif but fruitful. Tom says my wif and I will b prmtittd to mov to th moon if w pass th halth xamination. Immdiatly I call my wif to tll hr th good nws. From a small scrn I can s sh is as xcitd as I am. I am vn mor ovrjoyd whn I am told on th phon that I will b wlcomd hom with a dlicious dinnr cookd by my wif HRSLF.
①villa['vil+]n. 别墅
②computr-programmd 计算机编制程序的
③saloon[s+'lu:n]n. 雅致的大会客室
④rfrsh[ri'frM]v. 使精力恢复;使精神振作