to perform rities in honor of the ancestral temple; the next day's service of the above mentioned rities, (same as 醊) wine poured in a libation
【午集下】【示字部】䄌 ·康熙筆画:13 ·部外筆画:8
《廣韻》陟衞切《集韻》株衞切,𠀤音綴。重祭也。 又《廣韻》陟劣切,音輟。酹謂之䄌。或从酉。
to perform rities in honor of the ancestral temple; the next day's service of the above mentioned rities, (same as 醊) wine poured in a libation
【午集下】【示字部】䄌 ·康熙筆画:13 ·部外筆画:8
《廣韻》陟衞切《集韻》株衞切,𠀤音綴。重祭也。 又《廣韻》陟劣切,音輟。酹謂之䄌。或从酉。