wine made from glutinous rice, a kind wine to drink after bathing, color of the rice wine, a kind of good wine, bubbles of the wine
【酉集下】【酉字部】䤒 ·康熙筆画:19 ·部外筆画:12
《廣韻》《集韻》𠀤其旣切,幾去聲。《廣韻》秫酒名。 又《集韻》沐酒也。謂旣沐飮酒。 又《集韻》舉豈切,音穖。酒浮也。
wine made from glutinous rice, a kind wine to drink after bathing, color of the rice wine, a kind of good wine, bubbles of the wine
【酉集下】【酉字部】䤒 ·康熙筆画:19 ·部外筆画:12
《廣韻》《集韻》𠀤其旣切,幾去聲。《廣韻》秫酒名。 又《集韻》沐酒也。謂旣沐飮酒。 又《集韻》舉豈切,音穖。酒浮也。