◎ 骂人 màrén
[abuse;curse;rail;swear] 用有渎神明或下流话咒骂
1.abuse; call one names; give a bad name to sb.; revile a person; swear at; mutter insults against; curse; give one a scolding; reprove sb.; tell one off; give a piece of one's mind; load sb. with insults; give sb. a good dressing down; condemn; condemnation; reprove; give [get] sb. a good wigging; give sb. the edge of one's tongue; walk into a meat-pie; take sb. to task; cuss sb. out
用粗野或带恶意的话侮辱人:骂人。骂街。骂名。咒骂。辱骂。 ◎ 斥责:他父亲骂他没出息。
由类人猿进化而成的能制造和使用工具进行劳动、并能运用语言进行交际的动物:人类。 ◎ 别人,他人:“人为刀俎,我为鱼肉”。待人热诚。 ◎ 人的品质、性情、名誉:丢人,文如其人。