- 播种(打一动物名)
- 屡试屡成(打一动物)
- 坐也是卧,立也是卧,行也是卧,卧也是卧。(猜动物)
- 猫的衣服叫什么?
- 尖尖的嘴巴,黄黄的衣,爱吃虫子和大米,说话声音叽叽叽(猜一动物)
- 学生最喜欢什么动物嫁人
- 小小一条龙,头上一蓬葱,生前不见血,死后满身红
- 一把刀顺水漂,有眼睛,没眉尾,是什么?
- 叔叔比侄子大五十岁(打一个动物)
- 两子外游看红日.满天风鸟数不尽
- 兔子的耳朵(打一个字)
- 一对耗子会打洞
- 生性胆怯林中避,鸣声不止时刻啼(打一动物)
- 什么动物长得跟猪一样,大小和狗一样?
- 无脚也无手,身穿鸡皮皱。谁若碰着它,吓得连忙走。(猜动物)
- 唐僧的妈妈是谁?(打一个动物)
- 全世界最大的鲸鱼在哪里?
- 大尾巴,尖嘴颏,跳来跳去采松果,夏天树上来乘凉,到了冬天洞里躲。 猜一动物
- 毛色棕黄斑点控,体态似虎好食肉(打一动物)
- 身体圆圆像水桶,嘴巴长长爱哼哼,闲来无事就睡觉,人们称它农家宝。
- 一物生来力量强又有爹来又有娘不和娘一样(打一动物)
- 盲人遇到聋哑人(打一个动物)
- 大象放屁,打一歌名?
- 头顶羽冠模样俏,爱把锦袍来炫耀(打一动物)
- 人送外号小仙姑,前足最爱去铲土(打一动物)
- 头戴红帽子,身披五彩衣,从来不唱戏,喜欢吊嗓子(打一动物)
- 胡子不多两边翘,开口总说妙妙妙。夜里巡逻眼似灯,厨房粮库它放哨
- 为什么蜗牛走很慢?
- 世界上最好奇的动物是什么?
- 先修十字街,后造八卦台,主人中堂坐,恭候客人来。(猜动物)
- 圆圆耳朵长胡须, 嘴巴尖尖一身灰,白天躲在洞里面,夜晚出来偷粮食。
- 小小家伙夜间明,小小个头身扁平(打一动物)
- 八戒来到黄河边(猜动物)
- 浣花草堂 (猜一动物)
- 一个小小游泳家,说起话来呱呱呱,小时有尾没有脚,大了有脚没尾巴
- 虽然名叫鼠,不在屋里住,终年在田里,专吃农作物
- 年纪轻轻资格老 , 长长胡须迎风飘,闲来无事咩咩叫,青青草地到处跑。
- 老虎最怕去哪里?
- 小明家养了只鸡,却没长翅膀,为什么?
- 背长灰黄菱行斑,剧毒无比百步死
- 背板过海,满腹文章。从无偷窃行为,为何贼名远扬(猜动物)
- 尾巴长长鬃毛飘 , 能拉车来爱奔跑 , 走起路来哒哒哒 ,帮助农民立功劳
- 专吃兔子的马(打三国里的名马)
- 大块头,爱吃肉,胖乎乎来爱爬树(打一动物)
- 身体细长嘴有毒,草丛爬进又爬出,曲曲弯弯走得快,画它千万莫添足
- 身穿黄皮袄,头顶俩犄角,叫声哞哞哞,食物是青草。
- 陈旧谜条 (猜一动物)
- 满身疙瘩丑无边,背上花斑呷呷叫(打一动物)
- 长子 (猜动物名)
- 你坐我不坐(猜动物)
- 身上滑腻腻,喜欢钻河底。张嘴吐泡泡,可以测天气。(猜动物)
- 最贵的鱼是什么鱼?
- 身体虽不大,钢针满身插,遇敌蜷一团,谁都没办法
- 头戴红顶帽,身穿白布袄,走路像摇船,说话像驴叫(猜动物)
- 天子
- 殊减一(打一个动物)
- 什么东西有头无脚(猜动物)
- 动物迷语
- 以偷为生,人人喊打。 (猜动物)
- 绿黄细嘴小白尾,矫健身姿显优美(打一动物)
- 不能和养什么动物的人做朋友?
- 一只老鼠没尾巴 (打一动物 )
- 身体软软像面条,无手无脚爬着跑,卷卷曲曲盘树上, 坐立行爬皆卧倒。
- 腾云驾雾上青天 , 呼风唤雨在人间 ,长长胡须鹿茸角,身披鳞甲最闪耀。
- 小小玲珑一条船,来来往往住江边.风吹雨打都不怕,只是划船不挂帆(打一动物)
- 东北林蛙女性爱,弥足珍贵中药材(打一动物)
- 似鸟又非鸟,有翅身无毛,一脸丑模样,专爱夜遨游。 猜动物
- 小小个头三尺高,头顶羽冠模样俏,爱把锦袍来炫耀
- 生来本领强又大,会识人来会看家 ,看见生人就想咬,看见主人摇尾巴
- 叫天子
- 身穿黑白皮大褂,整天爱在窝里趴,从来不肯去干活,农家还是喜欢它
- 小明和他双胞胎的弟弟小华,打一动物?
- 聊 (猜一动物)
- 已经晓得 (猜一昆虫)
- 木兰无长兄(猜一动物)
- 小黑妞,矮又胖,当个间谍处处忙(打一动物)
- 大明天子
- 身穿盔甲不用栽, 一朵芙蓉头顶开 ,虽然不是英雄将 , 叫得千门万户开
- 骨头骨脑骨眼睛,骨脚骨手骨背心(猜动物)
- 什么动物和人类的血缘关系最近?
- 像熊非熊爱睡觉,无尾憨厚惹人爱(打一动物)
- 雌雄相对显祥瑞,五彩火鸟人人追(打一动物)
- 头顶两只角(猜动物)
- 浣花草堂 (猜一动物)
- 打通隧道第一名 (猜一动物)
- 对子贴在七星洞
- 打通隧道第一名 (猜一动物)
- 长得像人又像狗 ,模仿人类有一手 调皮捣蛋爱吃桃 ,上树爬杆逗人笑。
- 有点像画眉鸟 (猜一生肖)
- 身子轻如燕,飞在天地间,不怕相隔远,也能把话传。
- 身穿斑斓黄皮袄,深山老林到处跑,百兽之中它称王,威风凛凛最骄傲。
- 山上一盘磨,世人不敢坐。
- 胡乱叠被子(打昆虫名字)
- 非驴非马打一动物
- 一只羊有一个头,四条腿,两个羊角,为什么?
- 红色甲克长黑点,捕虫专家它最行(打一动物)
- 聊 (猜一动物)
- 头长两棵树,身开白梅花,性情最温顺,跑步赛过马
- 什么猫打不走,拉着就走
- 长长耳朵短尾巴,红红眼睛白皮袄,走起路来蹦蹦跳,三瓣嘴巴吃青草。
- I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees,rivers without water .what am I?
- What kind of man can raise things without lifting them?
- What has a round face and two thin hands, one hand short, one hand long?
- Why is the person wearing two coats while painting the house?
- What stays indoors no matter how many times you put it out?
- What never asks any questions but always gets answers?
- Why don’t babies need glasses?
- What is clean when it is black and dirty when it is white?
- What kind of water should people drink in order to be healthy?
- What's the hardest thing about learning skating?
- What goes on four legs in the morning,on two at noon,and on three in the evening?
- What has a soft bed but never sleeps, a big mouth but never speaks?
- Why does the Statue of Liberty stand in New York Harbor?
- How many sides does a house have?
- I am a kind of fruit, yellow outside and white inside with small black seeds. What am I ?
- What can be measured but has no length, width or thickness?
- Why does time fly?
- What can you break with only one word?
- What is an astronomer?(天文学家)?
- Who may marry many a wife and stay single all of his life?
- A policeman saw a truck driver going the wrong way down a one-way street, but didn't give him a ticket. Why?
- What animal eats and drinks with its tail?
- Where can happiness always be found?
- What do we get if we cross a woodpecker with a homing pigeon?
- What has four eyes but cannot see?
- What is higher without a head than with a head?
- What will you do if a man-eating tiger is running after you?
- What is smaller than an insect’s mouth?
- What makes the Tower of Pisa lean?
- What is in the middle of the world?
- Why does the boy carry a ladder to the school?
- What is never used until it's broken?
- What has cities with no houses, rivers without water and forests without trees?
- The greater it is, the less it can be seen. What is it?
- What has teeth but cannot eat?
- I live in the sea. I am the biggest animal in the sea. What am I ?
- If there were only thre girls in the world, what do you think they would do?
- What can hear you without ears and can answer you without a mouth?
- What did one invisible man say to the other invisible man?
- Why is writing called handwriting?
- On which side does a bird have the most feathers?
- How can you tell clocks and watches are shy?
- What person tries to make others smile most of the time?
- I am small. I can fly. I like singing in the sky. What am I?
- What has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes,tells but does not talk?
- What gets larger,the more you take away?什么东西你拿走越多,反而越大?
- What kind of dog never bite?
- When can you have an empty pocket and still have something in it?
- What surprising things happen every 24 hours?
- What do you call your father-in-law's only child's mother-in-law?
- Why don't you advertise for your lost dog?
- What do you know about the kings of France?
- Who isn't your sister and isn't your brother, but is still a child of your mother and father?
- When the boy fell into the water, what's the first thing he did?
- What table can tell you what to do?
- What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?
- What animal has a head like a cat, eyes like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn't a cat?
- What wears a cap but has no head?
- Where did Columbus stand when he discovered America?
- Whatpartofyourbodydisappearswhenyoustandup?
- I am always with you. Sometimes behind you, sometimes before you, sometimes by your side, but you can’t see me in the dark.
- What is the smallest room in the world?
- What rises in the morning and waves all day?
- What comes after the letter "A"?
- What table is in the field?
- What is the best thing to keep in hot weather?
- When do you go as fast as a racing car?
- How many letters are in the alphabet?
- Why is the library the highest building?
- What can you swallow that can also swallow you?
- How do we know the ocean is friendly?
- What do workers do in a clock factory?
- What is the biggest ant in the world?
- Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I?
- Which letter is an animal?
- Where can milk be best stored?
- Can you tell me some thing about the great scientists of the 18th century?
- What two words have thousands of letters in them?
- What is the difference between the capital of Russiaan dacalf'smother?
- What do you call your father’s father’s only son?
- Which letter is a part of your face?
- What's the difference between a hill and a pill?
- What goes around the world but stays in a corner?
- What starts with a T, ends with a T, and is full of T?
- Where does afternoon come before morning in the world?
- 26英文字母哪个最笨?
- What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?
- What always travels on foot?
- Why do some old people never use glasses?
- Sometimes it looks like a boat. Sometimes it looks like a small white sun. What is it?
- What's a skeleton?(骨架)
- I am very big and heavy. I have a long nose and big ears. What am I ?
- Teachers write on me with chalk. I can’t talk. What am I ?
- The more you take away, the bigger I become. What am I?
- Why is it useless to send a letter to Washington?
- What season is the most dangerous one?
- You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?
- What is wind?
- what month do soldiers hate
- How many great men have been born in London?