A Novel Way to Park创意停车法
A Novel Way to Park There was a young man, a first time driver, who tried to park a car between two others. He put the car into reverse and "bang" ran into the car behind him. And then he put the car back into forward gear, and "bang" hit his front end into the car in front of him. And so back and forth he went, banging both cars each time he went into reverse or forward. So the woman next to him couldn't resist asking him, "Do you always have to use your ears to park?" "Bang! Bang! Bang!" - parking by ears! 创意停车法 一位刚学会开车的年轻人,他想要把车停在两部车中间。 他倒车时,「砰」的一声撞到停在后面的车,然后他往前时, 又「砰」的一声撞到停在前面的车,他就这样在那边前进、后退, 不停地撞到前后的车。坐在他旁边的女士忍不住问他: 「你都是这样靠耳朵听『砰、砰』声来停车的吗?」
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