A Way to Express Opinion表达意见的方式
A Way to Express Opinion An actor was making his debut performance and invited a prominent director to watch his act, hoping that he would star him in his movies and make him famous. He put forth his best effort. After the performance, he came down from the stage and found that the director had dozed off! The new actor was extremely hurt and said to the director: "Let me tell you frankly, I invited you here because I have tremendous faith in you, yet you dozed off! Can't you see how important your opinion is to me?" The director answered: "Dozing off is also a way to express my opinion!" 有一个人,他第一次表演节目,所以请了一个很出名的 导演来看他的表演,看要不要录用他,让他将来能成 为大明星什么的。他在那边一直表演得辛苦,结束以后 他下台来,竟然看到导演在打瞌睡!那个新的演员非常、 非常伤心,他问导演:「我告诉你啊!我是很信任、 很信任你,才请你过来,结果你在那边打瞌睡! 你不知道你的意见对我多么重要吗?」 然后那个导演就说:「打瞌睡也是一种意见啊!」