At a Department Store 在百货商店里
A really huge muscular guy with a bad stutter goes to a counter in a department store and asks, “W-w-w-where’s the m-m-m-men’s dep-p-p-partment?” 一个结巴壮汉走进一家百货公司问柜员:“男……男装部在……在哪儿?” The clerk behind the counter just looks at him and says nothing. 柜台后的柜员看着他不搭话。 The man repeats himself, “W-w-w-where’s the m-m-m-men’s dep-p-p-partment?” Again, the clerk doesn’t answer him. 那男人又重复道:“男装……装部在……在哪儿?”柜员还是不理他。 The guy asks several more times, “W-w-w-where’s the m-m-m-men’s dep-p-p-partment?” And the clerk just seems to ignore him. Finally, the guy is angry and storms off. 壮汉问了好几遍柜员依旧如故。最后,壮汉气冲冲地走了。 The customer who was waiting in line behind the guy asks the clerk, “Why wouldn’t you answer that guy’s questions?” 排在后面的顾客问那个柜员:“你怎么不答人家话呀?” The clerk answers, “D-d-d-do you th-th-th-think I w-w-w-want to get b-b-b-beat up?!!” 柜员说:“你……你觉着我……我想找打……打是吧!?”