字典翻译 笑话 英语笑话 Jokesabouttheelderly


  OLD ACADEMICS never die, they just lose their faculties

  OLD ACCOUNTANTS never die, they just lose their balance

  OLD ACCOUNTS never die, they are deleted

  OLD ACTORS never die, they just drop a part

  OLD ALCAHOLICS/DRUG ADDICTS never die, they just get wasted

  OLD ANTHROpOLOGISTS never die, they just become history

  OLD ARCHERS never die, they just bow and quiver

  OLD ARCHITECTS never die, they just lose their structures

  OLD ASSETS never die, they just depreciate

  OLD ASTRONAUTS never die, they just go to another world

  OLD ATOMS never die, they just decay

  OLD BANKERS never die, they just lose interest

  OLD BANKERS never die, they just want to be a loan

  OLD BASEBALL pLAYERS never die, they just go batty

  OLD BASEBALL pLAYERS never die, they just run their last lap

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