字典翻译 笑话 英语笑话 Jokes About the Elderly

Jokes About the Elderly

  OLD ELECTRICIANS never die, they just do it until it Hz

  OLD ELECTRICIANS never die, they just lose contact

  OLD ENERGIZER BUNNIES never die, they go on, and on, and on...

  OLD ENGINEERS never die, they just lose their bearings

  OLD ENGLISH MAJORS do it with Strunk and White

  OLD ENVIRONMENTALISTS never die, they are just recycled

  OLD ESKIMOES never die, they just get cold feet

  OLD ESKIMOES never die, they just go cold

  OLD EXORCISTS never die, they just give up the ghost

  OLD FARMERS never die, they just go to seed

  OLD FARMERS never die, they just spade away

  OLD FATHERS never die, they just become grandfathers

  OLD FISHERMEN never die, their rods just go limp

  OLD FISHERMEN never die, they just get reel tired

  OLD FISHERMEN never die, they just smell that way

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