字典翻译 谚语 其他谚语 关于时间的谚语:艺术长存,光阴易逝


  1. Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不等人。

  2. Time flies! 光阴似箭。

  3. Time heals all wounds. 时间能够治疗一切创伤。

  4. He that gains time gains all things. 赢得时间的人就赢得一切。

  5. Art is long, and time is fleeting. 艺术长存,光阴易逝。

  6. Money lost, little lost; time lost, everything lost.丢钱事小,失时事大。

  7. Time tries friends as fire tries gold. 时间考验朋友,烈火考验黄金。

  8. Time tries all things. 时间检验一切。

  9. Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.今日事,今日毕。

  10. there is time for everything. 凡事皆有时。

  11. Do not squander time---that’s the stuff life is made of. 不要浪费时间,因生命由它而成。

  12. Nothing can be done without time just as no one can live without air. 没有时间,我们做不成任何事;正如没有空气,我们根本不能生存。

  13. A hero is nothing but a product of his time. 时事造英雄。

  14. One today is worth two tomorrows.一个今天等于两个明天。

  15. Time is like the water sucked in sponge: if you squeeze, you can always get some. 时间象水,只要去挤总是有的。

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